At SMS Cleaning Services, we think there is an amazing beauty and strength in diversity. Everyone has something special to offer, everyone has a gift that can add value to our organisation. People with different abilities can come together and accomplish something extraordinary. The key is the culture of unity and team work in delivering the best services possible to all our clients. Our company aims to continuously provide services that meet our clients’ needs and expectations.


The value integrity is core to SMS Cleaning Services.

We act with integrity in everything we do. It is a

guiding principle when working with clients, suppliers

and colleagues.


We respect people, value diversity and we

are committed to equality.


Throughout our company, we take accountability

extremely seriously. We go to great lengths to honour

commitments we have made. We take responsibility

to accomplish our work, on-time, and with the highest

quality possible.

Commitment to Clients

At SMS Cleaning Services, we only accept assignments for

which we possess the requisite experience and competence

to perform and will only assign staff with the knowledge and

expertise needed to serve our clients effectively.